


About Rohm: Setting the Gold Standard in Precision Vices

Welcome to Rohm - Your Trusted Partner in Precision Workholding

Katana Mech is thrilled to introduce Rohm, a global leader in the manufacturing of precision vices. With a rich history of excellence and innovation, Rohm stands as a beacon of quality and reliability in the world of workholding solutions.

Our Product

Vices: Precision Redefined

Experience the epitome of precision and reliability with Rohm's range of vices. Meticulously engineered to meet the exacting demands of modern industries, our vices offer unparalleled performance, ensuring secure and efficient workholding for a wide range of applications.

Why Choose Rohm?

       Unrivaled Quality: Rohm is synonymous with quality. Our vices are crafted with the utmost attention to detail, ensuring they meet the highest standards of durability and performance.

       Innovative Design: At Rohm, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We continuously strive to develop cutting-edge solutions that redefine the standards of workholding technology.

Global Presence: With a presence in markets around the world, Rohm has earned the trust and admiration of professionals globally. Our vices are the preferred choice for those seeking superior quality and reliability.